Boaters who wish to have a dock box installed, should complete the Dock Box Request Form and submit it with the required annual fee plus tax.  The dock box will be installed by the harbor staff after payment is received.  Please allow 10 to 14 days for installation.

Please note that you will be billed for a dock box annually until you cancel it.

The cost (including tax) for the 2012 season is $151.20.  Please make checks payable to “Chicago Park District“. All major credit cards accepted.

You may fill out an application on-line and submit it electronically or fax it to us at (312) 747-6598. If you wish to send us a hard copy, please mail it to:

Westrec Marinas
541 N. Fairbanks, Suite 1020
Chicago, Illinois 60611

If you have any questions, email us at
Or call our main office at (312) 742-8520.

This form and its contents are encrypted and communicated in a secure format backed by VeriSign.
First Name:     Last Name:
City: ZIP:
Phone:     (Home): (Cell):
Harbor:     Dock:       Slip #:

$151.20  ($140.00 Plus 8% City of Chicago Tax)


Major credit cards accepted

Expiration Month / Year:

By submitting this form, I hereby agree to abide, by the rules and regulations of the Chicago Park District governing the use of harbors, and also to abide by all ordinances of said Park District. I further agree that the Chicago Park District shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, by theft or otherwise, to my boat or property while using a harbor or occupying any stall and in consideration of the permit so issued to me I hereby release the Chicago Park District of any claim by me for aforesaid loss, damage, or theft. I authorize a representative of the Chicago Park District to board the above boat at all reasonable times for inspection to determine it's seaworthiness, safety, and compliance of all Park District rules and regulations including the prominent display of a proper decal and compliance with the anti-pollution regulations.

This form and its contents are encrypted and communicated in a secure format backed by VeriSign.